Can't wait to get a head start on this year's off roading? Here's a sneak peek at our 2024 Honda Talon lineup. These new side-by-sides have updated styling, new suspension options, and even changes to their wheelbase. There are new full-coverage doors, new wheels, new ignition mapping, new color choices, and much more. And make sure you check out our current Talon models too. Built to the same specifications as our 2024 Talon line, they're heading to dealers now. Best of all, they're a great value!
Built for thrill-seekers, the Talon 1000X-4 and 1000X-4 FOX Live Valve are the ultimate tight terrain 4-seater side-by-sides. Our 999cc liquid-cooled Unicam engine and exclusive automatic DCT gearbox provide the performance you desire, while the chassis, featuring semi-active suspension on the FOX Live Valve edition, delivers excellent maneuverability and quick handling. If you're an adventurer seeking the ultimate in performance for the whole family, look no further.
Talon models are the only side-by-sides offering both an automatic gear driven transmission and launch mode. You won't believe how fast you'll come off the line-and neither will the other riders.
Welcome to the best seats in the house: Because they sit nearly three inches higher and two inches closer to each other than the fronts, the rear “Stadium Seating” lets passengers see more. Enjoy the view!
Pearl Red
Matte Navy Blue
MSRPs exclude tax, license, registration, destination charge, freight surcharge, and dealer-installed options. Dealer prices may vary. All figures are preliminary and subject to change. Images, where available, are presented as reasonable facsimiles of the offered unit and/or manufacturer stock images. Non-standard options or features may be represented. No guarantee of availability or inclusion of displayed options should be inferred; contact dealer for more details. ©2024 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. — Powersports Division